Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

In accordance with articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Data Protection Act in Possession of Individuals we inform you that CROS4IT S. de R.L. de C.V., domiciled in MEMBRILLO No.277, COL. HOGAR Y SEGURIDAD, AZCAPOTZALCO MEXICO DISTRITO FEDERAL 02820 Mexico is responsible for collecting your data, the use given to them, their protection and confidentiality.

Your information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services and products you have requested; to notify you of new services or products that are related to those already contracted or purchased; to notify you of changes in those services or products; to develop studies and programs that are necessary to determine consumer habits; to conduct periodic evaluations of our products and services in order to improve their quality; to evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have contracted with you.

For the purposes mentioned above, we require the following personal data:
Full name 
Marital status 
Landline and/or cell phone 
E-mail address 
Autograph Signature 
Level of schooling 
RFC and/or CURP 
Income Level 

Asimismo, la siguiente lista de activos tangibles e intangibles que pueden ser solicitados para el cumplimiento de su actividad y objeto social forman parte de la información confidencial que debe ser preservada y mantenida en secreto:

Technical knowledge. 
Financial Statements 
Tax Statements (Provisional Monthly and Annual) 
Fiscal and Accounting Information 
Work Modes acquired over time. 
Product Manufacturing Technology. 
Graphic Designs. 
Functioning formulas. 
Market strategies. 
Competence Strategies. 
Manufacturing Processes. 
Distinctive (Drawings, Paintings, Designs, Logos, Slogans, etc.). 
Administration of Material and Human Resources. 
Operation and Management of Raw Materials. 
Exploitation of Times and Movements. 
Marketing Policies 
Product Manufacturing Methods. 
Principles and Ideals in the Labor Activity. 
Price List. 
Portfolio of Suppliers of Goods and Services. 
Portfolio of Clients. 
Marketing and Distribution Systems 
Graphical statistics and market studies.
Machinery Operation Manuals 
Statutes and regulations of Labor Activity.   

It is important to inform you that you have the right to Access, Rectification and Cancellation of your data, to oppose their treatment or to revoke the consent you have provided to us for this purpose.

To do so, it is necessary that you send the application in the terms established by the Law in its Art. 29 to MARILU MORALES PEREZ, responsible for our Data Protection Department, located in MEMBRILLO No.277, COL. HOGAR Y SEGURIDAD, AZCAPOTZALCO MEXICO DISTRITO FEDERAL 02820 Mexico, or by calling 5596272067 or sending an e-mail to mmorales@hfconsulting.com.mx, which we ask you to confirm by telephone to guarantee its correct reception.

Last update: 23/03/2017
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